Hair Transplant in Cyprus
High Standard and professional FUE and FUT Hair Transplant with option of unshaved recipient area in Cyprus – Nicosia
For patients interested in finding a trustworthy, affordable, and inexpensive way to get back lost hair and searching for a clinic which achieves consistently good results, the Michalis Clinic and Team located in Cyprus Nicosia and Spain Barcelona is the right clinic.
The Hair Restoration Clinic of Dr. Georgiou Michalis is one of the cooperation clinic of the international renowned hair transplant counseling center Hairforlife.info and offers fue and fut – strip hair transplant with highest international standard. The clinic offers a – even worldwide – rarely offered unshaved Hair transplant (Non Shaven – unshaved Hair Transplant without shaving head).
Doctor Michalis FUE and FUT Hair Restoration Clinic in Cyprus since 2011
The Doctor Michalis Hair Restoration Clinic in Cyprus in Nicosia was founded in 2011. The Clinic is owned and managed by the FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) and FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantion) practitioner Doctor Georgiou Michalis. The Michalis Clinic is committed to the provision of hair transplant solutions that are personally tailored to the situations faced by each client.
Doctor Georgiou Michalis is a leading expert in the provision of Follicular Unit Extraction – FUE, Strip (FUT), and BHT (Body Hair Transplant), and always providing hair transplant with no shaving of the existing hair. Also Dr. Michalis renounces absolutely Giga Mass transfer and the using of micromotors.
Having trained under Doctor John Cole USA – Atlanta, a fue pioneer and one of the first hair surgeons in the USA who offered FUE – Follicular Unit Extraction, Doctor Michalis now draws on only the highest-quality surgical equipment to ensure reliable outcomes for every patient with high growth yields and dense results.
Important notes about Hair Transplant in Cyprus
When patients doing research for hair transplant clinics in cyprus, it is important for them to consider the following. Many clinics need to shave the hair in the recipient area completely, while with Dr Michalis there is no need.
Security situation in Cyprus Nicosia
Prospective international clients of the Dr. Michalis Clinic may have received word of the current security situation in Cyprus. Let us point you in the direction of the following report from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA, July 2016: https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/vertretungen-und-reisehinweise/zypern/reisehinweise -fuerzypern.html), which provides an account of the safety and stability that Nicosia and Northern Cyprus are currently enjoying.
Our Facilities in the FUE and FUT clinic of Dr. Michalis in Cyprus Nicosia
Watch some images of our facilities and surgery rooms in Cyprus Nicosia.