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Hair surgery from 1,50 Euro per graft
Hair transplantation by experts: We have the solution for fuller hair, from 1.50 euros per graft and with manual extraction!

Hair restoration

avant-garde techniques
Unshaved FUE and FUT (Strip) Hair Transplant without shaving head: Available for women and men
Dr. Georgiou Michalis Hair Restoration in Nicosia – Cyprus and in Barcelona – Spain
Many patients worldwide searching in the Internet for Hair Transplant, but when it comes to possible shavings the most patients are not really happy about this idea. Here Dr. Georgiou Michalis can offer solutions with a non shaven option in his Clinic in Cyprus and in Spain.
Well trained by well-known hair surgeons and huge experience from Dr. Georgiou Michalis for Unshaved FUE and FUT without the need of cutting the hair in the recipient site
Dr. Michalis has been offering professional hair transplants since 2003. In most things he has been trained by the well-known hair surgeon Dr. John Cole and Dr. Christian Bisanga.
Dr. Michalis has been operating since the beginning with the FUE Follicular Unit Extraction technique, as well as with the FUT (strip) method and above all, since the beginning of his career he has already offered hair restoration for men and women without cutting the hair in the recipient area. Dr. Michalis has a lot of experience: 1. with hair surgery fundamentally 2. with the FUT and FUE technique but 3. also with transplanting into existing hair (long hair/unshaved). Since years he is now offering hair transplant without shaving head.
Hair Transplant and the inconvenience of the shaving for women and men: Most of them would like to return quickly to their normal everyday life and do not want to shave
The most women and men, as well as people who are in representative occupations such as actors, lawyers, managers, doctors, and all who deal often with people are afraid to shave the hair completely for a hair restoration surgery. All of these people have in common that everyone wants to be able to be sociable as soon as possible again and that the crusts and redness after the surgery can be well concealed. That`s the reason that many of them people searching for FUT or FUE without shaving.
Dr. Michalis Clinic in Cyprus – Nicosia and in Spain – Barcelona can help with a unshaved Hair Restoration without the need of a shave in the recipient area
Dr. Michalis can help here with his unshaved hair restoration, in which there is no need of shaving the head or to shave the recipient are neither with FUE nor with FUT. Thus (if there are enough hairs in the recipient area) the crusts and rednesses could be well concealed and patients can go back to normale life a lot faster after a unshaved surgery. Read more about our locations in Barcelona – Spain and in Nicosia – Cyprus.
The advantage of Cyprus: Affordable and cheap prices in compare to UK – United Kingdom (London) or the rest of Europe and also in compare to countries in continents like USA or Australia
One of the advantages in Cyprus are the overall favorable costs and price structures, such as for rent, staff. Thus the surgery in Cyprus can offer more cheap. Not quite as favorable (cheap) as in Turkey such as Istanbul, which still have lower overall costs like Cyprus, but the prices in cyprus are much cheaper and more attractive than in many countries and cities of Europe, like UK/United Kingdom – London and also in compare to countries in continents like USA or Australia. Read more about our Prices and Costs in Cyprus and Spain.
Recommended by the longtime independent hair transplant consultant Hairforlife and winning a medal for consistently good results from the Spanish Forum
Dr. Michalis in Cyprus is recommended since 2016 by the German independent hair transplant consultation service Hairforlife. In addition, Dr.Michalis is always recommended in international forums and even won a medal from the Spanish forum for consistently consistently good results
Current events in Europe such as Belgium, France, Turkey (Istanbul – Ankara): Cyprus and Nicosia as a safe place
The bad situation around the world regarding security and terrorism is in the meantime well known. The latest events with terrorismus in Turkey (Istanbul – Ankara) and other cities like in France – Paris and Belgium – Brussels have certainly frightened many people.
Regrettably, most likely, countries and cities such as Turkey Istanbul etc. now possible will have much less tourists or hair transplants in turkey as before the terroism events. It is also conceivable that patients regarding the last events not will opt for a surgery in Turkey, Istanbul, or other cities.
The geographical proximity of Turkey (Ankara and Istanbul) and the issue of security into Cyprus (Nicosia)
Due to recent events, and since Cyprus is close to Turkey, Ankara and Istanbul, many patients ask about the security situation in Nicosia in Cyprus. We can assure that so far Cyprus is very safe, which is confirmed by the embassies in many countries.
Moreover, Cyprus is a beautiful country with beautiful beaches and Cyprus invites you to a warm welcome on a visit. You can easily connect the hair replacement surgery with a holiday in Cyprus.

DR. Michalis
Medical director
The Dr. Michalis is internationally recognized for its expertise in the field of hair restoration. Highlights its artistic sensibility, respect the wishes of the patient and the pursuit of naturalness in each of their cases.
A good result requires a total complicity between the doctor and his team.
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